How to Clear Cystic Pimples
We need to take steps to conquer cystic pimples once and for all. Contrary to popular belief, NOT by popping them! The first step against battling the enemy is to study them, understand them, and then create a master plan to stop their invasion.
So first, what IS a cystic pimple?
You get acne when excess oil and dead skin (ew) hook up, hype up, and then block a pore. Then they party into the night, plugging, infecting, and inflaming our pores! Jerks! Unfortunately, there’s a bevy of different types of acne we can get in several different places on our bodies: whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, and the dreaded “Cysts.” Cystic acne forms in crevices under the surface of your skin, filled with pus, bacteria, or other liquids. They can feel pulpy or hard when touched, depending on whether it’s a cyst or a nodule. And yes, we hear Alexis’s voice too!
It's also tender, painful, embarrassing, unpredictable, and potentially long-lasting, if not dealt with. It’s born and bred with an abundance of oil (not pretty dewy oil, but icky greasy oil) bacteria, hormonal imbalances, and lots of cortisol – also known as the stress hormone! Boooo! We know, it’s stressful. But as always, let’s focus on where we’re going, not where we’ve been!
Why Not Pop?
Although popping a zit can be satisfying, when you’re dealing with a cyst, it’s like running the soccer ball to your goalie, zipping it past her, and celebrating the score…when you just handed it to the other team.
Why? A cyst is not a pimple. A pimple, or zit, is above your skin (the pop is on top!). A cyst, however, is deep, a volcano bubbling under the surface with molten lava. We’re not going to stick our hands or fingers deep into the lava, right? Not only is it dangerous (fluid is trapped near a damaged follicle or blocked duct under the skin, so it’s a complexity of layers and you simply don’t want to stress with that mess) but even if you try, you’re essentially taunting the enemy and daring it to fight back! And how does it fight? By scarring you. No one wants a scar replacing a cyst!
That’s where Averr Aglow steps in as your sparring partner – the gentle calm one. The skin yoga partner. The mediation leader. The one that tells everyone to lie gently down on their mats, stretch, breathe, hydrate, and re-strategize.
So what’s this new strategy, partner?
It’s pretty simple.
- ICE, TREAT, CLEAN, EAT! -- Say it four times!
Now that you have the chant/cheer down, let’s detail it a little more.
1. ICE the cyst (with a washcloth as a barrier) to reduce inflammation and swelling.
2. Then TREAT it with our Clear Skin Elixir which is a light, earthy-scented 8 pm-8 am mask that breaks down the cyst on the night shift, hands you water from the sidelines while it happily jogs the marathon for you, while the same time allowing vitamins and antioxidants to ravish you. Remember the analogy above about the volcano? Well, this Elixir is made with volcanic ash, along with natural plant and mineral-based ingredients, including French pink clay, raspberry seed oil, coral, and tea tree leaf oil, just to name a few. As our customer Valerie put it, “It helps eliminate breakouts within a few days and leaves my skin looking and feeling amazing every day. I put it on before bed almost every night. Literal magic in a bottle.”

3. Then in the morning after the Elixir/mask has done its work all night long, CLEAN with our refreshing Clarifying Hydration Dew and gentle, soothing Radiant Cleansing Nectar. The Dew is a face mist that prepares the skin to absorb nutrients, and the Nectar, which follows, helps get rid of oleaginous secretions, dirt bacteria, and all other icky skin intruders.
4. Finally, EAT a diet low in sugar, carbs, alcohol, and dairy, all of which cause inflammation, dehydration, and insulin growth, prompting bacteria to grow. The good news is that you only need to get this health plan right 60-80% of the time (yes, you can still have a mochaccino from time to time!) and leave the rest 20-40% to your skincare routine. And we know it’s tough to cut out those products completely, so we’ve come up with some great substitutes here.
And then of course, add the everyday basics, like drinking lots of water, keeping your bedding clean (we don’t want to lay a fresh face on a dirty pillow!), showering after exercise (avoid “bacne!”), Keep your sun exposure to a minimum by using protection, and adopt a regular regimen of deep-reaching, all-natural, cruelty-free, botanical-based products, like our light and refreshing Luminous Clear Skin Kit. This kit is a collection of our best face serums, elixir, natural facial toners, and daily face cleansers. This is where you find that dewy glow, where you find the confidence to go bare-faced, no more layers of makeup. You’ll get down to the basics of skincare - the most beautiful natural you.

A final reminder: Be kind to yourself and others. Everyone struggles with skin issues, and the greatest gift is to remind yourself that you are human and that no one is perfect! You will always feel better when you treat your body and skin the way they deserve to be treated – just like you would treat your best friend.