Is Spray Tan Acne Real?
If you're a sensitive skin queen, you're probably used to searching out beauty practices that protect your breakout-prone complexion. Cleansers, lotions, even sunscreen...they each need to be carefully chosen. But have you given a second thought to your sunless tanning products?
Sunless tanning is one way to dodge harmful UV rays, which can cause cancer and worsen your acne. But if persistent blemishes are undermining your faux tan, you might be wondering — is spray tan causing your acne?
Stop us if this sounds familiar: the more you break out, the more you want to layer on. But the more you layer on, the more breakouts appear. Spray tan acne is a real phenomenon, and you might have it.
Is your only choice to completely swear off fake tan for the rest of your life?
Fortunately, you have options. We're here to guide you through the ins and outs of sunless tanning, how it affects your skin, and how you can optimize your tanning routine for clearer skin.
How Sunless Tanning Affects Your Skin
First, let's discuss how your skin interacts with tanning products. There are several different ways to achieve a sunless tan. The most popular are:
- Spray tanning: Usually done at a salon or spa using a specialized spray gun, tanning sprays use a chemical called dihydroxyacetic acid (DHA) to change the color of dead cells on the surface of your skin. The more dead cells on your skin, the darker your new skin tone will appear.
- Self-tanning: Much like spray tanning, self-tanning lotion dyes dead skin cells with DHA. It is applied by hand, often with a special mitt (to prevent orange palms).
- Bronzer: Bronzer is the most temporary tanning option. It's less of a tanner and more of a daily cosmetic. Instead of dying skin cells, bronzer simply paints over your complexion, lasting until the next time you wash your face.
Tanning to Cover Blemishes
Tanning to cover your angry red breakouts seems like a great idea, in theory. Unfortunately, you won't always get the smooth finish you're hoping for. Several problems can pop up when trying to disguise acne beneath a fake tan.
- Dark spots: Are you using an acne face wash? Many topical acne treatments remove your natural oils and cause dry skin, especially washes that contain ingredients like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Dry spots can affect the results of your tan. Remember: Dry skin will absorb spray tan and self-tanning lotion more thoroughly, creating a darker look. If you use oil-stripping acne treatments across your entire face, your face may end up tanner than your body. Or if you use spot treatments just on your blemishes, they may come out extra-tinted like cheetah spots.
- Light spots: Perhaps you're using a retinoid or vitamin A product. These formulations can cause your tan to fade quickly and result in pale patches wherever the retinoid has been applied. Have you ever accidentally splashed bleach on your dark laundry? Then you get the idea. Probably not the look you were going for.
- A patchy finish: Taking any oral acne medications, like isotretinoin? They also have skin-drying tendencies and may create a patchy, irregular finish. Faux tanning while on acne medication is not recommended.
Trying to hide active breakouts with sunless tanning is a dicey prospect. Why waste all that time and money on an uneven tan? Get off to the right start with a cleanser that won't dry you out and cause your skin to absorb extra tanner.
Skip the harsh acids and chemicals and choose a gentler option like our Radiant Cleansing Nectar. The Nectar doesn't use any skin-stripping synthetic ingredients, relying instead on the natural cleansing powers of minerals and botanicals. So your skin feels fresh, hydrated, and ready for an even tan.

Do Spray Tans Cause Acne?
The good news: sunless tanning products probably won't cause breakouts in someone with naturally clear skin.
The bad news: if you struggle with acne already, tanning could be yet another trigger setting off your breakouts. Users with sensitive skin are advised to look out for the following:
- Pore clogging: Tanning products like lotions and sprays can block your pores. Many of these products contain comedogenic (pore-clogging) ingredients like coconut oil, which are too heavy for acne-prone skin. Clogged pores may also result from the use of bronzers. If bronzer is your jam, there are a few ways to prevent makeup breakouts.
- Overly drying: Often, tanning products rely on dehydrating ingredients like denatured alcohol, which can irritate and dry out your complexion. This kick-starts your oil-producing sebaceous glands, which overcompensate by pumping out extra oil like crazy. So once again, you end up with a greasy face full of blocked pores.
- Hormone disruption: It's fun to enjoy a tropical scent while you tan. It puts you in a beachy mood for sun-kissed skin. But artificial fragrances are notorious for smuggling nasty chemicals into your skincare, including hormone-disrupting parabens. And since all acne is hormonal in one way or another, the last thing you want is to knock your hormones out of balance.
- Sun damage: Wait, what? Aren't you using sunless tanner to avoid sun damage? Sunless tanning is better than laying out covered in baby oil. But tanning products containing DHA can increase free radical damage, weakening your skin's defenses to environmental hazards like UV rays. Plus, users have reported higher rates of sunburn. So always remember your sunscreen, even over your fake tan!
A Note About Cleansing
There's one other acne-triggering risk with sunless tanner, and it's all about your cleansing habits.
We know that you went to a lot of effort getting that fake tan to look just so. Naturally, you'll be nervous about doing anything that might screw it up!
But please, please do not skip your cleansing routine. This is a huge problem among sunless tan enthusiasts. Fear of washing away your tan can tempt you to skip your other skincare for a few days, but this is a recipe for breakout chaos.
While you're anxiously protecting your tan, your skin is piling up with oil, skin cells, makeup, and other impurities. Without a good cleanse, these start blocking pores all over the place, and it's not long until these clogged pores turn into full-fledged blemishes.
Tips for Tanning With Sensitive Skin
So what are you supposed to do? You don't want to risk the dangerous UV rays from regular sun tanning, but you also don't want to smother or strip your complexion with fake tan products that don't meet your skin's needs.
Find your happy medium with these steps to create a kinder, gentler tanning regimen.
- Check the ingredients. Avoid heavy oils, artificial fragrances, and harsh chemicals or alcohol. Instead, choose fragrance-free self-tanning products with soothing ingredients like aloe. If you tan at a salon, ask if there are oil-free options for that sleek golden finish.
- Do a patch test. Concerned that a product may upset your delicate skin? When in doubt, do a patch test. Apply a little of your new tanner somewhere unnoticeable and let the color develop. If you experience any burning or discomfort, abort the mission! This is not the product for you.
- Exfoliate. For even color, exfoliation is a self-tanning must, and choosing the right product is critical. Chemical exfoliants and microbeads can tear up the outer layers of your skin, leaving it damaged and vulnerable. For a more skin-friendly experience, consider a mild, natural-based option like our Illuminating Essence Exfoliating Mask. Infused with volcanic ash and silica, it clears away rough patches while depositing nutrients for a smooth, tan-ready finish. And for full-body exfoliation, look no further than our detoxifying Rejuvenating Essence Body Polish.

- Minimize pores. Exfoliating before you tan is vital. But it can also open up your pores, allowing tanner to penetrate too deep and start forming clogs. To prevent this, use a cold compress or pore-minimizing toner to help tighten pores between cleansing and tanning.
- Keep up your skincare routine. Don't try to save your tan at the expense of skin clarity. Be sure to keep up a consistent cleansing routine, even when wearing sunless tanner.
- Moisturize regularly. Using a non-comedogenic moisturizer will keep your complexion hydrated and help your skin hold on to its fresh tan. For a dose of rich, clear skin moisture, try our Flawless Nourishment Cream. Its luxurious hydration will keep your skin plump and happy with skin-boosting botanicals like camellia and pumpkin seed oil.

- Wear sunscreen. You already know that UV rays are bad for your skin. They are prematurely aging, cancerous, and can even make your acne worse. And as cute as your fake tan looks, it is no protection from the sun. So don't forget the sunscreen, ideally a water-based formulation of SPF30 or higher.
Ultimately, it all comes down to better skin health. Avoiding harmful ingredients and cherishing your complexion with a hydrating, skin-nourishing routine, can help you achieve a clearer canvas for that tanner's golden summer glow!