8 Fall Skincare Tips to Try This Season
Like clockwork, the hot, glistening summer fades, and the leaves start turning into an autumn rainbow. And while it can be hard to exchange your summer clothes for sweaters and boots, many of us can't wait for the sweet richness that only comes with fall!
For me, there is nothing better than oversized scarves and bouquets of sharpened pencils (yes, that was a You've Got Mail reference)…
But, like everything else that is changing this time of year, so is our skin!
Even though you love that $3 moisturizer that you got especially for summer, fall is an entirely different beast, my friend. When cooler weather hits, it's time for a change in tactics, and only military precision will keep you glowing in the cold.
Today, I pass on tips that have helped me overcome the fall complexion slump! Here are 8 skincare tips to get you fall-ready!
1. Moisturize The Day Away
During the fall, your skin can take a pretty big hit. From the cold weather drying out your face to the constant itching that plagues you, finding a good moisturizer can be taxing! The key? Find an all-day moisturizer that won't buckle under the pressure of lower temperatures.
My advice is to ditch the heavy moisturizer from those summer months and stick to a lightweight, durable product like the Flawless Nourishment Cream. Rich in vitamins and minerals, this will keep that face supple and avoid those struggle-bus dry skin moments!
2. Embrace Facial Oil
It turns out that the rumors were false! Facial oil is usually not the cause of breakouts. More than likely that Pumpkin Spice Latte is, but that's another conversation for another day!

Isn't it a thing of beauty?
Especially in the fall, facial oil can get the skin ready for the day and deposit healing nutrients to reverse the effects of impending harsh weather. That is why I recommend the Perfectionist Overnight Serum. Antioxidant-rich, this product helps soothe the skin, reduce the appearance of blemishes, and heal the skin from within.
3. Don't Forget The Sunscreen
So the number one thing that most people do when sunny summer days are gone is discard the sunscreen. Is this the right choice? No!
Just because those tanning, and chilling on the beach days are over, it doesn't mean that sunscreen should be tossed aside.
The hard truth: Sunscreen should be a part of your everyday routine for as long as you live.
An autumn afternoon may be a little darker than one in mid-July, but those overcast days still have sun rays that greet you every time you're outside.
My suggestion is to apply an SPF of at least 30 or higher every few hours.
P.S. The SPF inside your makeup is often not enough and will leave your skin vulnerable to sun damage. Your best bet is to use a separate sunscreen before applying makeup.
4. Let Sleep Be Your Happy Place
Did you know that sleep is an important part of a skincare regimen? Especially in the fall, an average person spends less time outside and more time sleeping!
Dermatologists believe that when we sleep, our cell rate increases which can help skin repair. Another interesting fact is that the hormone, cortisol (the one that can lead to oil production and bacteria), decreases during nap time.
So what does this mean? It's time to catch those Zzzs so you can wake up radiant!
5. Layer Skincare Products Correctly
The time has come for one of the most important fall tips on this list. We've talked about moisturizing, using overnight facial oil or serum, and applying SPF, but the trick to making all of these work for your skincare regimen is correct layering.
The general rule to layering skincare products is to layer in order of thickness. That is why we use a 1, 2, 3 system for our Clear Skin Kit to ensure you never go wrong!
Make sure that all of your products are layered correctly so that they work effectively.
It's time to level up!
6. Clean Your Makeup Brushes
You're probably saying, “What does this have to do with fall?” The truth is that this is a bonus tip. Almost like a reminder of something that you should do always!
Cleaning your makeup brushes is one of the biggest ways to get on top of your acne.
When you don't use clean brushes, lingering bacteria from the days, weeks, or months (God forbid!) transfer to your face and start creating the perfect situation for acne.
Carve out a small amount of time each week to give those babies a good, thorough cleaning! You won’t regret it!
7. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
Here's the thing: Drinking water is one of the oldest remedies in the book for glowing skin. Hence, my epic pile of water!

And if you ever doubted water's impact, think again! From the summer to the fall, your face needs hydration. In particular, cooler weather can cause your face to dry out (For example: the tight, stiff feeling).
Drinking water helps improve elasticity and can save you from wrinkles showing up in the long run! And if that wasn't amazing all in itself, drinking water helps your skin fight off toxins more effectively because your skin is functioning the way it was always supposed to.
8. Fall-Ready Skin For the Win
Taking care of your skin during changing weather can be tough, but if you maintain a good skincare routine all year round, you will be set for whatever the seasons throw at you. Healthy skin isn't achieved by a spot-treatment mindset, but by investing in your skin 24/7!
Sweaters, fall weather, and happy skin are in the forecast for your future! 💋