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Article: 5 Reasons You Need Natural Skincare Products in Your Life

5 Reasons You Need Natural Skincare Products in Your Life Averr Aglow

5 Reasons You Need Natural Skincare Products in Your Life

You’re in a store with tons of products in front of you. 

so many skincare products options


So many skincare options, why?!

Not knowing what any of them are about, you notice a product that has “natural” positioned in just the right spot. 

Now, what do you do? 

For most of us, the next scene in this skincare aisle drama would be deciding which all-natural product is better. So the time has come for you to make a choice. 

After thinking for a few minutes, you decide to buy that $25 moisturizer, and stick to your gut feeling that “natural” obviously means better! 

You made a wise decision, my friend!

In recent years, many people have joined the natural skincare revolution. Tens of thousands have forsaken their Clean and Clear in favor of the fancier buy with the cute “cruelty-free” bunny. 

While the up-sale has worked on the majority, do any of us know why natural skincare is better? 

What is Natural Skincare? 

If a skincare product is natural, it can make a world of difference for your skin. Products that are natural play it safe and stay away from harmful ingredients that can cause unpleasant side effects to you, the environment, and even animals. 

Now, this is not to say that everything labeled “natural” is amazing for your skin. 

A constant question is “Does the FDA even approve natural skincare?” 

The short answer is, no.

Now, before you make up your mind to keep using what you have, the truth is, that most skincare isn’t approved (including the one in your bathroom now). 

The FDA under law is not obligated to approve any skincare product, but they do regulate. So between natural and unnatural, natural products commit to being safer. That’s more than we can say about their counterpart.

Dermatologist, Jennifer Chwalek, MD explains what you can expect when you purchase a natural product. She says, “Often, the nontoxic or natural term suggests that the product is free from synthetic chemicals that may be linked to health problems or that many people get irritated by (or both), including fragrance, dyes, and certain preservatives such as parabens.” 

While natural skincare doesn’t guarantee it is completely safe, it's less of a gamble than the alternative non-natural skincare products. 

So, we know that you’re dying to learn more, and luckily, we have plenty of reasons why you should consider making a habit of picking up those natural products.

african black shop


Hmm..shea butter? Is this a natural product? And who said that I had troubled skin?... Ok, you're right. I do.

5 Reasons Natural Skincare is the Best Around

Here are the five best reasons you will ever find to make the switch to natural skincare! 

1. Protects the Environment 

Now, many of us genuinely care about the environment, and we may even own several pairs of Birkenstocks to prove it (which I’m not sure has anything to do with the environment, but we’ll give you that). Still, we may have never thought about how our current skincare could be affecting the world around us.  

Truth be told, skincare has always had deep roots in affecting the environment. If you have ever heard about “sulfates” then you know it’s a trigger word these days. 

Sulfates, the foaming agents that create the little bubbles we all enjoy so much in our cleansers and face washes, are one of the main ingredients you won’t find in natural skincare. 

So, you might be asking, “What’s the big deal with sulfates?” 

I’m glad you asked! 

Sulfates are linked to petroleum, petroleum is linked to greenhouse gases and greenhouse gases are linked to global warming. 

To make matters worse (as if they weren’t already) sulfates’ effect on marine life due to run-offs is detrimental. 

When we wash our faces, more than water is going down the drain in the end. The residue of those cleansers and face washes is finding its way from our drains into lakes and oceans. These run-offs result in the killing of thousands of animals a year and claim up to 40% of lakes, making the water unusable. 

Bottom Line: Natural skincare avoids using sulfates and other environmentally unsafe chemicals. The focus is on using products from the earth, so there can always be a safe return to it.  What a breath of fresh air!

2. Safe on the Skin

Our skin is kind of remarkable, I'll be the first one to say it! 

Safe on the Skin


Don't mind me, I'm just taking care of my remarkable skin!

It’s designed to keep us safe and protect us from toxic substances. While the skin is doing the best it can, it comes as no surprise that some substances still manage to get through. 

Here is how it works: When you put any substance on your skin, it has a greater chance of sinking into the skin and from there, the bloodstream. Depending on what the substance is or what the ingredients are, it can be hazardous to your overall health. Yikes!

One example of these substances is Parabens. Parabens are artificial preservatives that enable you to keep a product longer (like the eye cream that you have had for two years that you should probably throw right now). While this may seem like a good thing, parabens have been linked to many diseases, including breast cancer.

Bottom Line: Natural products don’t use synthetically produced substances. Natural resources from the earth, allow you to receive products that you can trust for your skin and health. And while natural products are known to last a shorter time (because they don’t use parabens), you never have to wonder what creepy ingredients are within. It’s just that simple!

3. Non-toxic Ingredients

Let’s circle back to harmful ingredients for a second. 

To understand what isn’t toxic, we first have to see what is. So, what is a toxic substance? 

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency defines toxic as any substance that may be harmful to the environment or hazardous to your health if inhaled, ingested, or absorbed through the skin. A few examples of the most common toxic substances are below: 

  • Parabens
  • Synthetic colors or dyes
  • Fragrances 
  • Phthalates 
  • Triclosan 
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) / Sodium laureth sulfate (SLES).
  • Formaldehyde 

Many of these can cause cancers, internal organ disruption, infertility, and even... death. So, the big question on everyone’s minds is why are these even allowed? 

According to the FDA, “It’s against the law for a cosmetic to contain any ingredient that makes the product harmful when consumers use it according to directions on the label, or in the customary or expected way.” In layman's terms, as long as there are clear directions on how to use the product to avoid excess danger, it's okay. Right? 


The next time that you pick up your skincare products, check to see if any of these are listed. I’ll bet you, they are. 

Bottom Line: The ingredients used within natural skincare aren’t artificial, and don’t contain the toxic substances listed above. What you see is what you get, and while it may not always have the prettiest scent or the most exotic colors, it can deliver amazing results without the risk. 

That’s a serious win-win!

4. No Confusing Synthetics

“For 10,000 points, can anyone tell me what Triclosan is? ...Anyone?”

One of the main differences between synthetic and natural products is that very few people know what synthetic ingredients are. 

Hidden behind super hard names that bring you back to your hooked-on-phonics days, people who produce this stuff are counting on you not caring enough to look it up. 

That is not the case with natural ingredients, however. 

Bottom Line: Natural skincare cuts out the crap and fills products with ingredients that you know like jojoba oil, honey, and essential vitamins. These ingredients have a proven track record of providing the nourishment you need for your skin. 

how we love you honey and that little bear too


Oh, how we love you honey, and that little bear too!

5. Eliminates Animal Cruelty

How many of us have sat down fully ready to binge-watch The Office (per the usual) and BOOM, an ad against animal abuse comes on? 

Instantly, capturing our hearts, the oh-so-famous “In the Arms of an Angel” song starts playing, and you just can’t take it!

Now that the song is stuck in your head (you’re very welcome), the sentiment behind the commercial affects us because we’re passionate about this issue. 

Unfortunately, the sad news is that animal abuse is a very common practice in the skincare industry. Peta (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) has cited that many big-name skincare companies still test on animals today. 

These tests can result in harsh handling, harm, and sometimes even death.

Bottom Line: Natural skincare products (including organic and vegan products) make more of an effort to steer clear of animal cruelty- both in the ingredients used and the manufacturers chosen. These products have committed to protecting those that cannot protect themselves. 

Averr Aglow’s Commitment to Natural Skincare

That was a lot of information, right?!

The main takeaway is that natural skincare is not just about providing products that work, but also staying true to the things that matter. 

That is why Averr Aglow has always committed to using only the finest natural ingredients that we can find. Our products are clinically tested, natural-based, and cruelty-free. We have chosen to put your health and safety at the forefront, and it was the best decision we ever made. 

Welcome to the future of skincare!

Averr Aglow’s Commitment to Natural Skincare


Literally, OBSESSED!

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