The Ultimate List of Skincare Myths
Acne: Everybody gets it, and everybody hates it. Growing up, I would do almost anything to get rid of my acne, especially if my breakouts were bad enough. From toothpaste spot treatments to washing ten times a day, if I heard that there was even the slightest chance of it working, I was ALL over it!
While I never knew if these "remedies" would work, they were widely known, so that had to count for something, right?? So many of us have heard these ill-advised tips, and swear by them even though we have never actually seen them work (bless our little hearts). But, today is the day that we learn the truth! It’s time to toss out those fake tips and embrace proven methods that work.
Here are the top ten skincare myths debunked!
1. Zits Are the Result of Bad Hygiene (AKA You're Dirty)How many times has someone said, "Why don't you just wash your face?!" As if that was the heaven-sent remedy to acne. Many of us have had to deal with people criticizing our hygiene FOR YEARS because of our acne. While this connection between acne and poor hygiene has always been and will always be a gross misconception (see what I did there?), the fact remains that people often equate cleanliness to a zit-free face.
The Facts: Acne is not the result of dirty skin. In fact, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, you could wash your face all day long, and see more breakouts. Why? Acne happens on the inside of our skin before it ever gets to the surface. It’s important to keep your skin clear and free from dirt to maintain healthy skin, but the idea that "washing away the dirt" will wash away a zit is completely incorrect. Your best option is to use a product that can penetrate the skin, helps with cellular turnover, and detoxes like the Illuminating Essence Exfoliating Mask.
2. Squeezing Pimples Makes Them Go AwayOh, what joy it is to finally squeeze that pimple that has been taunting you for far too long! I don't know about you, but when I finally look in the mirror and see that a pimple looks ripe for squeezing, I get excited!
Now, I know that this probably sounds downright disgusting, but many of us secretly enjoy the sensation of squeezing the heck out of a pimple. We also tend to think that it will make a pimple go away for good too. But, the sad news is, that is not the truth at all.
The Facts: Squeezing a pimple may seem to fix the problem for the short term, but it isn't taking care of what's happening beneath the skin. Pimple popping can cause pus and yuckiness to seep deeper into the skin, which causes inflammation and, in the long run, increases the chances of additional breakouts. Research has even shown that popping a zit can increase the chances of scarring and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. No, thank you!
3. Washing Your Face Will Clear Your BreakoutsIf washing our faces was the solution to all of our skincare problems, wouldn't everyone in the world have clear skin? Think about it. There would be no need for a million different products, and the almost 5 billion dollar skincare industry would be in shambles. The world, my friend, would be so much simpler if that was the case. I hate to burst your bubble, but this is far from the truth as more than 50 million people deal with acne.
The Facts: Just like we learned above, acne is not the result of not washing your face enough, but it can be the product of overwashing. Overwashing can lead to breakouts, and leave the skin vulnerable (without proper nutrients) and dehydrated. Since acne starts inside the skin as dead skin cells turn over and form a microcomedone (the start of an acne lesion), over-washing is not the answer. The only hope is active, nutrient-rich products like serums, that can penetrate the skin and help heal from the inside out.

4. Acne Just Has to Run Its Course
If anyone has ever told you that acne just had to run its course, that was the laziest answer EVER! There are some things in life that this rings true for, like maybe a cold or a terrible life lesson, but acne doesn't fit into this category.
The Facts: While some people can grow out of their bad acne phase at some point in life, many will continue to deal with acne into their adult years. Acne is not something that typically goes away on its own. The good news is that there are natural products that can work to help manage acne and promote healthy skin.
5. Toothpaste Can Cure Any BreakoutWho doesn't love some good old toothpaste for a pimple? It's the holy grail staple of home remedies, and most people swear by it. But, there is one extremely interesting thing about toothpaste though…
it just doesn't work!
For years, we have heard how toothpaste can take care of a zit overnight, but toothpaste must have had the last laugh because it was still there in the morning (even if we did try to trick ourselves into believing that it had gone down).
The Facts: There are no proven studies or research that toothpaste cures acne. While some tubes of toothpaste do contain an ingredient called sodium lauryl sulfate, which can dry out the zit, it is extremely toxic and is commonly used in household cleaning products. It is not something that you want on your face or in your mouth, friend. If you're looking for a great overnight solution, try our Clear Skin Elixir, and throw that toothpaste out if it includes the above ingredient. Yikes!
6. The More It Stings, the Better It WorksWho doesn't like a great astringent that stings the heck out of your skin? The more it burns, the more it's working, right? Wrong!
The Fact: While we all want a product that can deliver in the results department, it doesn't have to burn or sting to accomplish this. Products that have an unpleasant tingling sensation are often filled with ingredients that are too aggressive on the skin, and this can lead to irritated or dry skin. No bueno! My recommendation is to try our sting-free Luminous Complexion Toner which hydrates, reduces the appearance of scarring, and stimulates new healthy skin.
7. Acne Goes Away after the Teenage YearsThe memo is out: 20 is the year of the disappearing acne act! As soon as we turn 20 and abandon those youthful teenage years, rumor has it that we are in store for a clear skin celebration.
The Facts: Acne often doesn't just go away because of age. Acne usually stays around to celebrate our newfound adulthood (Now at 28 I can completely verify this information). Research has shown that over 50% of women may deal with acne into their thirties, and many women still deal with it well into their 50s. Acne is not into age discrimination.
8. Sweating Is like a Sauna for the SkinA hot pan + boiling water in a face sauna!
A nice face sauna where you put your head over a pot full of steam used to be the trend growing up. It was kind of like the glitter mask of today that doesn't work!

Are you talking about this mask?
The Facts: Sweating can help to flush out toxins from the skin. But, when the newly surfaced sweat, bacteria, and dirt residue are left on the face (because of improper cleansing), that is when we have a problem. This can create an ugly situation and can ultimately lead you to a zit attack. My suggestion is to use a cleanser that can truly get rid of the bad bacteria, dirt, and sweat while depositing healthy nutrients right back into the face, like the Radiant Cleansing Nectar.
9. Moisturizer Is the EnemyAcne is traumatizing, seriously. If you have ever dealt with acne so bad that you were scared to do anything that might cause another flair-up, then you know this all too well. But, whoever created the rumor that moisturizer was not our friend, was wrong.
The Facts: Some moisturizers on the market today are full of pore-clogging ingredients that can wreak havoc on the skin. But, to do away with moisturizer altogether could lead to dry skin, an increase in acne, and wrinkles.
A good moisturizer that doesn't strip the skin doesn't use harsh ingredients, and provides minerals and vitamins is what you need for healthy skin. These qualifications are essential, and that is why I recommend the Flawless Nourishment Cream. Start moisturizing, honey!
10. There's a Cure to AcneIt is a nice thought that there could be a cure to all of our acne woes, but this is unfortunately not the case either.
The Facts: There simply is no cure for acne. It can be an ongoing skin condition for some and slow down at a certain time for others. Whether you're young or more mature, you can experience unexpected breakouts or zits at any time. The trick is for your skin to be as prepared as it can. Keeping up a healthy routine with a great all-in-one system, like the Luminous Clear Skin Kit, will provide your skin with the defense it needs. There might not be a cure, but there is a way to manage it successfully! Win-win!
Myths, Debunked
I know that your mind is probably blown, and feelings of sadness and anger might fill your heart as you plot your revenge on the person who steered you wrong. If it comes as any comfort, we all have come across these crazy skincare myths.
Truth be told, taking care of your skin shouldn't be a complicated affair full of steps that don't make sense and don't work.
That is why Averr Aglow has worked for years to demystify skincare and provide tens of thousands of customers with products that do work. Cheers to your new clear skin journey!