How to Get Rid of Acne When Nothing Else is Working
“THAT’S IT! I’ve had enough! If this doesn’t work, nothing will.”
How many times has that been the mantra playing in your head?
You’ve tried the products, watched YouTube videos, and read articles and reviews, yet you’re still plagued with a face full of acne. These products and methods are seemingly working for everyone else, so why not you?

You’re tired of getting excited by gleaming promises from new products only to be let down. Again. What’s the point of trying? This is your reality, and nothing will ever change. Sound familiar?
Okay, you’ve had your pity party, now let’s do something about it.
I know, I know, I’ve been there too. When you’re overcome with despair every time you take your makeup off and see how bad your skin is, it’s easy to fall into acne-induced depression.
But that’s not helping anyone, least of all you. Instead, let’s dig deep into the cause of your acne to eliminate it once and for all.
Understand Where Your Acne Comes From
There’s no point trying to fix a problem when you don’t know the cause.

Quality skincare isn’t cheap, and you want your face clear.
You could slather various products on your face and hope something finally does the trick, but quality skincare isn’t cheap, and you want your face clear, like yesterday.
Instead of using yourself as an acne product test subject, let us teach you how your acne is developing so you can cut it off at the source.
Your skin is acne-prone for three main reasons: (1) it produces too much oil (AKA sebum), (2) it has an overabundance of bad bacteria, and (3) it reproduces skin cells too fast for your body to keep up. These three things are the perfect pore-clogging storm.
1. Your Skin Produces Excess Oil
Oof. Oily skin is not fun. It doesn’t matter how much you cleanse, powder, and blot; you always seem to look shiny, which isn’t ideal.

As a human with acne, your skin naturally produces more oil than is expressly necessary. That oil is called sebum, and in the correct quantities, it’s downright essential to healthy skin.
Sebum does all sorts of helpful things like keeping skin hydrated and protecting against infections.
The problems come along when there is too much sebum. Everything in moderation, friends.
Too much sebum clogs your pores with dead skin cells kickstarting the development of that dreaded acne we’ve all come to know and hate.
So you’ve got this extra sebum making your face slick, and you’re not a fan. Neither are we. But not everyone is against that excess oil production.
2. Bad Bacteria Feed on Excess Oil
Harmful bacteria flock to all that oil, it feed on it. With an all-you-can-eat buffet, bacteria have no incentive to leave your face and every reason to stay and do what bacteria do best: infect.
If you haven’t already guessed, oil + bacteria = clogged pores and pimples.
3. Your Skin Cells Reproduce Crazy Fast
The skin cell cycle is pretty simple: dead cells fall off, and new cells replace them.
When the cycle speeds up to a roadrunner-worthy pace, the body can’t deal.

It’s like 20 rambunctious kids stampeding through a play place tunnel that is only built for 2. All 20 are going to get stuck and angry similar to a gob of skin cells, bacteria, and sebum crammed into a teeny little pore. Bummer.
Attack the Cause of Acne at the Source
You know where acne comes from, now it’s time to get in there and clean it up. Easy. All you have to do is prevent sebum from getting out of control, remove harmful bacteria, and get your cells to calm down already.
Sound daunting? Don’t worry, we’ve got the process down to a science, literally.
1. Balance Sebum Production
To encourage your skin to produce less oil, you have to signal that you already have enough. This is where jojoba oil comes in. This magical ingredient mimics sebum, sending your skin the message to cool it already.
Jojoba oil is a primary ingredient in our Radiant Cleansing Nectar, Clear Skin Elixir, and Flawless Nourishment Cream. Each of these products is designed to stay on the skin for an extended period, so your body gets the message loud and clear.
By using a skincare system that has oil-balancing properties in nearly every step, you can hit the problem hard while still being gentle on your sensitive skin.
2. Kill Bad Bacteria
Getting your sebum production under control is the first step in getting rid of harmful bacteria, and we already took care of that!
Remember, harmful bacteria need sebum to thrive. Without it, the bacteria begins to wane.
To kill it for good, you need to nourish your skin with products and ingredients that contain antibacterial and antifungal properties.
There is no shortage of acne-fighting products on the market with ingredients that target killing bacteria, but you need to be extra selective when deciding what to use. Most chemical ingredients that kill bacteria kill good bacteria too.
As evidenced by the name, good bacteria is good.
It takes care of your skin and keeps it healthy. You need antibacterial ingredients that destroy harmful bacteria and replenish the good stuff. We love manuka and tea tree oil for this very reason.
Once again, we use these ingredients in several products, like the Clear Skin Elixir and Radiant Cleansing Nectar, so that we’re attacking harmful bacteria at every turn.
3. Assist Cell Turnover
Wait. Your cell turnover is already speeding along like a mad dash for the last pair of boots during an 80% off sale at Nordstrom, why does it need help?
We’re not here to assist with speed, we need to increase efficiency.
Remember the skin cells, sebum, and bacteria crammed in your pores (i.e., those 20 tots stuck in the play place)?

Ingredients like vitamin C help those little guys slide on through and avoid unnecessary clogging.
In addition to vitamin C, you’ll want to add gentle exfoliation into your skincare routine. This helps clear the surface of your skin, where the dead skin cells are starting to build up.
We recommend our Radiant Cleansing Nectar, applied using organic cotton rounds. These have fibers to exfoliate your skin but are gentle enough to avoid irritation.
Avoid Additional Irritation
The products you use on your face aren’t the only elements to consider in clearing your skin. There are lifestyle factors that might be getting in the way of your gleaming complexion.

Your hormones have a direct effect on your sebum or oil levels.
In other words, when your hormones are out of whack, you might have more breakouts. Think about things in your day-to-day life that can hassle your hormones.
When you’re stressed, your body releases hormones that help navigate you through your situation by increasing your concentration and ability to react.
In the short term, it’s super helpful that your body has your back, but when you have excess stress, and you are continually producing those extra hormones, it knocks the delicate balance of chemicals in your body.
Add some exercise to your day, or maybe try meditating. Stress management is more than just a solution for clear skin, it’s a stepping stone to a happy life.
Activities like these tell your hormones that it's okay for your body to rest so it can process and filter those stress triggers that made those hormones build up. Score!
There’s so much conflicting advice out there about whether or not your diet affects your complexion, so let’s clear that up right now, it does.
That doesn’t mean you have to eat completely clean to achieve skin that looks airbrushed, but opting for healthier options now and then will certainly help.

Sugar and simple carbs cause your hormone levels to get a little crazy. Does that mean a permanent switch from birthday cake to kale salad? Of course not. It’s all about balance, people.
There are lifestyle factors that affect your hormones, like your period or certain medications, that are a little harder to control.
Instead of worrying about those, take action on the hormones you can control.
Clean up your diet, find ways to relax and destress, and give your skin the best chance to heal.
Prevent New Acne
Ideally, once you are finally able to rid your precious skin of the acne that has plagued your otherwise glowing complexion, you don’t want it to come back.
But don’t fret sweet skin goddess, The steps to prevent new acne from forming are the exact steps that cleared your acne in the first place.
Think about it: You’re keeping your skin from producing too much sebum that clogs pores with dead skin cells, you’re encouraging the dead skin cells to slough off with exfoliation and a little vitamin assistance, and you’re killing bad bacteria and nourishing your face with good bacteria.
You are healing and protecting all in one. How’s that for two birds with one stone?

Are you ready for a simple, gentle, yet effective skincare routine that tackles your acne storm, so you can focus on more important things? Then, our Clear Skin Kit is for you.
It contains that Radiant Cleansing Nectar that we’ve been boasting about. Unlike traditional cleaners that you wash off, this one stays on your skin, giving it plenty of time to soak in, clean, and nourish your skin.
The Radiant Cleansing Nectar isn't your average sudsy facewash. Our cleanser is a carefully curated combination of oils and extracts that works by depositing healing nutrients, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids into your skin.
As you buff the Radiant Cleansing Nectar onto your face with a cotton pad, the cotton pad exfoliates and removes dirt, oil, and dead skin leaving only the good nutrients from the nectar behind.
Watch this video to see exactly how to use our Radiant Cleansing Nectar.
The kit also has our Clarifying Hydration Dew that helps the nutrients from the cleanser fully absorb into your skin.
The Flawless Nourishment Cream hydrates your skin while helping with inflammation, reducing acne scars, and healing breakouts.
The last thing in the kit is the Clear Skin Elixir. This overnight face mask pulls out the impurities in your skin and helps fade acne scars and uneven skin tone.
This is what you’ve been searching for, the answer to your problem skin and the all-natural products that will finally give you the results you’ve always dreamed of.
Get started with your Clear Skin Kit, and make sure to read all about Skin Purging so you can be prepared for what’s to come.