The 6 Mistakes Causing Your Acne Scars
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have completely clear skin? I'm talking about movie star, red-carpet appearance skin where pores just don't exist.
A fun fact about most of the people that we admire is that they also want clear skin and wish that the airbrushed, overly photoshopped picture was real. No one has perfect skin though. From Rihanna to Jennifer Lopez, everyone struggles with their acne at some point. And you know what? That's OK. More people than you realize deal with acne and even more deal with some form of acne scarring or discoloration due to acne.
I have a few tips on preventing acne scarring that will jumpstart your clear skin journey and give you the confidence to save the day for your skin.
How Science Explains Acne Scars
Acne scarring can come in all shapes, sizes, and even sometimes colors (feel free to read about it here). But, regardless of the specific kind that you're dealing with, you just want them gone!
Acne scars are the wayward child of acne. They can occur after a cystic acne episode or even after an acne flare-up of small zits. Now I'm not saying that all acne will result in scarring; But, for some people, scarring just follows them like the plague!
Here is how it works: Acne scars can be linked to inflamed lesions, like papules, pustules, or cysts. These blemishes often happen when a pore is filled with dead skin, yucky bacteria, and excess oil (which can be due to several things, including hormonal imbalances).
Almost like a balloon that explodes, the pore walls rupture when full. Depending on where the rupture occurs, it can determine the impact on healthy skin. After everything is said and done, scarring can be the lasting result of acne and bruising beneath the skin.
The two main ways that scarring can impact your skin are:
- Atrophic scars - a loss of tissue that creates a little indent in the skin.
- Hypertrophic scars - an excess of tissue that creates a raised scar due to excess collagen.
These two cover a wide range of acne scarring that includes indented scars, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, and keloids.
The damage to the deep layers of the skin (AKA the dermis) can be traced back to inflammation due to bacteria, oil, and dead skin. The more inflammation that occurs on our skin, the more likely we are to scar, and the longer it can take for our skin to heal.
And here is where you need to pay attention.
If you see that you are more prone to scarring (meaning that you have seen a pattern of acne scars), then you need a plan of action as soon as acne starts to form.
6 Mistakes That Could Be Ruining Your Skin
Below are six of my favorite tips to combat acne scars! Tell your friends, tell your kids, tell everybody, because this is must-read info here.
1. Popping Your Pimples
Listen, I know that popping a pimple or two is something that gives many people joy (I mean there is a WHOLE show about it), but it's not the best decision if you care about your skin. While it may be super hard to resist, let this fact help you make up your mind on the subject.
Popping a pimple increases the chances of permanent scarring.
Many people think that popping a pimple will make the pimple better, but it can make things worse by pushing all the bacteria and pus further into the skin, which can lead to more irritation and redness. And, because popping a pimple applies pressure to your delicate skin, there can be a lasting scar in place of that pimple you just wanted to get rid of. How's that for a lousy trade-off?!
2. Wearing Super Heavy Makeup
Okay, let's start real quick by stating an absolute fact: makeup is life! For years, I have been obsessed with just how much you can do with it, and no matter who wears it, it's as unique as a fingerprint. While this form of expression is completely valid and altogether wonderful, having too much of anything can be a bad thing.
A full face of makeup can be the ultimate mood booster, but it's worth mentioning that heavy makeup could end up clogging pores if you cake it on. Once we spend hours and hours putting it on, who wants to spend ten minutes to take it off (sense the hint of sarcasm)?
Many women fail to properly take off their makeup and make sure that their face is thoroughly cleansed. But, if you're looking to prevent those acne scars, you can't afford not to. And that is why I recommend the Completely Clear Gelée Makeup Remover to tackle all the makeup from the day. Don’t let makeup be the cause of your next breakout.
3. Using the Same Ineffective Skincare Routine
I know that you may feel like you are permanently stuck to that face wash and night cream that you have been using for the last ten years. And you might even swear by its magical powers, but let me ask you an honest question. Are you still having breakouts?
If the answer is yes, then that's a serious sign that those products have been letting you down for a VERY long time. So, now that we've established that, it's time to toss them! Using products that help heal the skin and clear breakouts and acne scars is what you need! So I suggest our Clear Skin Kit to give you a firm foundation for clear skin! Wouldn't that be nice??
4. Ignoring Inflammation
Since you now know how acne scars develop, you need to remember the source of acne: inflammation. So the only way to combat acne scarring is to kill inflammation at the root like a weed in our front yard that just makes everything ugly.
Dermatologists have stated that inflammation can damage collagen to the point that the healthy tissue is replaced by thinned-out scar tissue, which can result in an indent in the skin.
What does that mean? The first step to preventing those acne scars is to find a way to get rid of inflammation!
Is this easier said than done? Maybe. But you can achieve it!
Finding a product that can reduce inflammation is vital, and if it helps with scarring, then you have a win-win!
The good news is that such a product exists! The Flawless Nourishment Cream is a tried and true staple for thousands of women!
5. Messing With Your Skin
So, we have all been guilty of touching our faces just a little too much. It usually starts with the palm of our hand gently resting on our cheek ever so lightly, the occasional forehead rub, or the classic hand-leaning-against-the-chin. But, all of these can increase the spread of bacteria from your hands to your face (because c'mon, who washes their hands as much as they should?). But did you know that it can also irritate the heck out of your skin?
My motto is, why make a bad situation worse if you can make a bad situation better (It's copyrighted, so don't try to steal it!). In all seriousness, it does start with the way that you handle the issue. So the next time that you think, “I should put my hands on my face,” DON'T.
6. Washing Your Face with a Washcloth
Washcloths, washcloths, washcloths...that was even hard to read, wasn't it? Washcloths are great for certain things in life, like maybe washing the car, but a washcloth on the skin is a bad idea!
Washcloths are certainly the tried and true OG that many of us have used. This is largely because it was touted as a way to help the skin get a more thorough cleanse. But a washcloth is super harsh on the skin and it doesn't provide a deeper level of cleaning. Washcloths can thin out the top layer of skin, which can result in irritation, and expose you to more dirt and bacteria. Before you know it, you have acne scars! No ma’am!
No matter if your problem with acne scars is big, little, or in between, these tips can make a world of difference and help you prevent and combat them.
What to Do Next? Try Averr Aglow’s Clear Skin Kit
Tired of feeling lost and confused about what you should do to get clear, smooth skin? Order the Clear Skin Kit.
The Clear Skin Kit contains products specially crafted with the perfect blend of natural ingredients that help soothe and calm red, irritated skin while also clearing up breakouts. If you struggle with sensitive acne/breakout-prone skin, hormonal acne, cystic acne, or rosacea, then you’ll be happy you found this complete routine.
Please understand, that results may vary, we’re not selling you a miracle product and would never try to position or state that you will get a true result in only a few days. In our clinical trials, most users found the most results at the 30-day and then the 56-day mark by sticking with our routine.
What is Averr Aglow®?
Averr means Truth. We have pioneered a revolutionary no-rinse cleansing routine specifically tailored to address problematic skin issues.
Hi, I’m Camille, founder of Averr Aglow, and I help adult women who are battling breakouts and acne get clear skin results like they have never seen before, even if nothing has worked for them in the past.
After battling breakouts for over 16 years, trying every skincare product under the sun, and visiting countless professionals like dermatologists, nutritionists, and hormonal doctors, I finally learned why nothing seemed to work on clearing up my skin, what truly causes breakouts and acne, and EXACTLY what to do to get clear skin results – and I want to help you do the same.
Let me help you! Read my full testimonial here.