The Best Supplements for Acne
When you have zits, every decision to go outside can be a serious stress-filled situation. I often have to weigh the pros and cons, "Do I spend an hour applying makeup over these things, or do I just rough it and prepare myself for the constant and inevitable stares from strangers?” Oh, the joys of humanity!
Most days, dealing with acne can even be a surreal experience. The usual conversation (to myself) goes like this: "Why do I still deal with breakouts?? I'm not a teenager anymore for God's sake! Shouldn't this have passed by now?!"
If any of this sounds familiar, you're not alone, darlin'. While acne may seem like a life sentence, it doesn't have to be that way. There are measures that you can take to attack the problem at the root and see blemishes vanish!
So, at this point, you just want to know what that remedy is, right? Drum roll, please...
It's supplements!
Supplements can be a game-changer for your acne.
But, to truly appreciate (and understand) what supplements do for the skin, we should get to the nitty-gritty of why we deal with acne in the first place.
The Science Behind Acne
Acne, is the sum of all woes, the dementor of fun adventures, and a forever pain in the...heart.
While acne is something entirely common, it seems pretty lonely when you're the one dealing with it.
I'll be the first to admit that there are days when a new batch of pimples appears out of nowhere, and I just want to curl up in a ball and accept my fate. But, just as I start feeling down about those new unwanted guests, I remember the insanely motivating words of Michael Scott…

But, honestly, every new pimple has a deep effect on our self-esteem and sometimes we need a reminder that we can get through this. And gaining knowledge is the first step to freedom.
There are three main causes of acne :
- An excess amount of oil production (known as sebum), can lead to clogged pores and unhealthy skin rejuvenation.
- An overproduction of bacteria (AKA P. acnes).
- Increased skin cell reproduction
For many people who deal with acne, oily faces are one of the main signs, and no matter how much you wash your face, the oil always finds its way back. As long as the oil keeps coming, P. acnes, or bacteria, will find a way to feed off it, and it's downhill from there.
Once the two get together, there is no stopping the pace at which cells regenerate, and this causes the nightmare we all know so well- pimples.
So, where do supplements come in? They can help to correct the story by targeting the issue from the inside out. Many people who deal with acne are missing vital ingredients, so replenishing the body is an important step to fixing the problem.

Vitamin D
Good ole' Vitamin D. The little friend of any kid that grew up drinking Sunny D for breakfast (or like me, snuck a sip between lunch and dinner too…*cue evil laugh*).
The benefits that vitamin D has on the skin are amazing!
Vitamin D, at its core, is designed to help the body absorb certain nutrients, like calcium, and can promote healthy bones. Another bonus is that it can help fight off germs and bad bacteria, which can aid in immune health.
To put it simply, vitamin D is the crime stopper in our bodies, and that goes for the outside too!
A study in 2014 showed that vitamin D blocks P. acnes (one of the most common acne bacteria) from affecting skin cells and causing acne.
In 2016, another study compared people with and without acne and found that people who struggled the most in their skincare journey had lower levels of vitamin D.
In short, Vitamin D seriously kicks butt in overall health and can help to treat acne. What's not to love?
So, how can you get this in your life? I'm glad you asked! One of the best ways to incorporate vitamin D is through the sun. Studies have shown that the body can make this vitamin in the skin just from sun exposure. So that means more reasons to take advantage of those glorious sunny days!
Another amazing way to get this vitamin is through supplements. The reason for this is that it’s concentrated and can directly start doing its job.
No matter where you go, most pharmacies and grocery stores will have vitamin D supplements, just like the one I found in Walmart.

But, if you want to start including it today, and have yet to go to the store, you can try including fatty fish, cheese, eggs or fortified foods, fruit juices, and breakfast cereals into your diet.
Another option is to find a product that includes it in their formula, such as the Flawless Nourishment Cream. This is applied directly to the face and will give you amazing results!
Zinc is another staple that we probably should have already had in our lives, but don’t.
Much like Vitamin D, not having Zinc in your system can make or break your skin. Dermatologists found that individuals who had lower levels of Vitamins A, E, and Zinc dealt with acne at a much higher rate than those who were at a normal level.
Zinc has also been known to help reduce inflammation and help heal the skin. You can't sleep on Zinc!
So many people swear by it, and you will too. That is... if you can find it because it's usually sold out. Wah Wah Wah
But, all is not lost, friend! You can order online at any retail grocer, such as everyone's fan-favorite, Walmart.

And, until then, you can also include these foods: red meats, beans, nuts, whole grains, and dairy.
Vitamin A
We have come to the third member of the supplement party- Vitamin A. My personal favorite, the champion of all champions, vitamin A works best when paired with vitamin D and Zinc.
The rundown on vitamin A is that it’s part of the retinoid family, and it affects :
- The immune and reproductive systems
- Vision
- Communication between cells
- The proper functioning of the heart, lungs, and kidneys.
Just like the last two, vitamin A also finds a way to combat our dreaded foe, P. acnes. By disrupting its effects on skin cells, it gives time for the other supplements to obliterate the overproduction of this bacteria!
So, how do you get it? You can sometimes find this in pharmacies, but your best bet is to look for them online through a certified supplement shop (like GNC, or Vitamin Shoppe).
While I do recommend, for potency's sake, to take the supplement, I'll give you a tip to hold you over. I recommend preformed vitamin A, which is just a fancy way of saying vitamin A that can be found in foods, or using a product that has infused vitamin A.
The following foods are rich in vitamin A: sweet potatoes, carrots, and squash fruits, such as cantaloupe, apricot, and mango.
Or, if you opt for a topical product (which would be the best option), I say go for the Perfectionist Overnight Serum. This baby has gotten many on the path to clear skin.
Beta-Sitosterol and Saw Palmetto
How many people have heard of Beta-Sitosterol and Saw Palmetto?...cricket cricket
If you have never heard of these two, I can guarantee that you are in for a treat! The reason they get to be together is because they are the magic regulators; the see-saw to our supplement playground, if you will!
Many people, regardless of whether they know it or not, deal with acne due to hormonal imbalances and this can cause your skin and body to act pretty wonky.
When you hear the term hormonal acne, it is often synonymous with regular acne.
Both of these are known to inhibit the overproduction of hormones that lead to breakouts. These two are superstars when it comes to supplements for acne.
If you can’t get your hands on these yet, try to look for green tea or incorporate a product that has tea tree oil in it, like the Clear Skin Elixir.

Treat Your Acne from the Inside Out
Now that I have shared with you the holy grail of supplements for acne, you have everything you need to achieve healthiness from the inside out! But... consistency is the key.
For instance, you wouldn't work out for the first time and then go look in the mirror expecting to look twenty pounds lighter, right??
Okay, well maybe...
But, even so, working out doesn't work that way, and neither does the journey to clear skin. In 1 to 2 months, check your progress and I think you’ll be surprised.
With just a little patience, healthy skin will be your new address!